Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bring on the April showers

Another weekend is over. Weekends around here are Sundays and Mondays, as those are Brett's days off and are always chalked-full of activities. We usually have elaborate brunches and dinners, go shopping, go exploring, have fun, etc on these days. It's also when I'm allowed to sleep in since Brett is a morning person and is able to hang out with the little one while I catch up on my Zzz's before the go, go, go busy-ness of the weekend and before the long week starts up again.

Over this weekend we enjoyed the beautiful sun on Sunday...the only day that it was sunny and nice out. Brett got to flush the radiator and change the oil in his truck, I got to do some knitting and roller skate maintenance, and the wee one got spoiled with endless attention and Daddy's version of the Hellavator ride. Then a trip to Mount Tolmie was in order, a first for the munchkin since his escape from the womb.
I think he enjoyed it. Don't you think? My boys (my favorite picture of them of the day is at the very top of this post) climbed the rocks, basked in the sun, and Brett pointed out things of interest (like a 5 month old would remember anyways).

Yesterday was a day of appointments, blood tests, grocery shopping, and housework. I did manage to bake some granola after dinner though. I've been eyeing Ina Garten's recipe for Cherry, Almond, and Cinnamon Granola for a while now, and in my attempt to eat healthier decided now would be a good time to try it. Unfortunately, in my haste to get out of the grocery store I had grabbed cherry flavored cranberries rather than dried cherries. Oh well. Our oven is a bit rogue and so one pan of granola turned out more crunchy and (ahem) "golden" than the other pan. I have yet to figure out the kinks of this oven. So far all of my baking has turned out more baked than I would like it all to be. Anyways, I'm off to have a bowl of yogurt sprinkled with some homemade granola and a cup of Casi Cielo, and hope that I'll be able to get some knitting done today...
Hope everyone had a great weekend and is set for the new week!

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