I'm quite happy with how this turned out and wish that I had used nicer yarn instead of my "test yarn". I'm hoping this weekend I'll be able to go get some nice black yarn and knit this back up again. This project seriously takes an hour, maybe two, to knit up. That is, if you don't have a demanding baby that commands all of your attention and won't settle for anything other than to be held in your arms.
The only thing I find odd about this neck thingy is that when you put it on one of the ends always look smaller than the other, even though I keep double checking, my ends are exactly the same size. Optical illusions...it'll drive me crazy whenever I look in the mirror.

I'm pretty excited that this pattern worked out and that I actually like the end product, now I want to make a bunch of them! Lucky me, it's still cold out outside so making a few more won't take much time and by the time I'm done I'll still be able to wear them! Not to mention that I usually find Victoria cold in general, so this knitted gem will be great to wear with a sleeveless shirt during the nights in the summer too. Perfect-o!

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