Sunday, September 26, 2010

WIP: Rainy Day City Cape

WIP: City Cape

I haven't finished any of my knitterly WIPs yet, but that didn't stop me from casting on this cape back in August. I had started this project just before I left for the Okanagan, when it was a really rainy, cold, and gross day. I had the idea that I would knit this on the drive to and from the Okanagan with the hopes of maybe, just maybe having this done by the time the trip was over. I think it could have happened had I not left the second hank of yarn here in Victoria.

This cape pattern is from Wendy Bernard's book, Custom Knits. I had borrowed this book from the library after Ursa (from Gaia's Colours) brought it to one of our knit nights. There were a few patterns in there that I had liked, but after bringing it home from the library I realized that there were way too many patterns that I liked and only so many times that I could re-new the book. I rarely, if ever, buy knitting pattern books cause normally there's only one pattern out of the entire book that I like. I just can't justify spending that much money on a book for one pattern. BUT, if there are 4 or more patterns that I can see myself actually knitting, then I am more than willing to buy the book. Custom Knits was one of those books.

So far this cape has been beyond easy to the point of boring. It's nothing but straight up stockinette! If this project wasn't so heavy and didn't require me to lug around 3 huge cakes of Cascade Eco Wool, I would totally tote this around to work on in the car and such. Who knows, maybe once I get past the arm slits and can once again work with only one cake of yarn, maybe this project won't be as bulky to tote around.

I'm not in a major hurry to finish this. Although I wouldn't mind it being done for the new year, just so that I can wear it at least once. The buttonbands and arm slits are suppose to be lined with jacquard ribbon that's 1.5" wide. I've searched everywhere and online but can't find a ribbon that I like. I think this might prevent me from getting this cape completely done. If it weren't for the fact that the ribbon is used as a stabilizer and as an achor for the giant snaps, I would omit it all together. If I don't find ribbon by the time I'm done the knitting, I just might have to look into other options.

'Til then...knit onwards!

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