Correction: Massive. Failure.
As I mentioned in this post I had put myself on a yarn diet. I had promised myself that I would swear off from buying any more yarn in hopes that I would start using up the stash yarn. The goal was to go 2 months without buying any yarn, with a few exceptions, of course...like the special order I had made at the Beehive a month or so ago (which has yet to arrive!) and the Sunshine Yarns Eco kit that I got 3 shop updates ago. To reward myself for going without a fiber fix for so long I was going to let myself go nuts when Fiber Fest happens in June.
Yeah well, I had good intentions (and isn't that what counts the most??). But they all went down the drain on Monday, when I had to make a last minute trip over to Vancouver for an appointment that was suddenly available (after a last minute cancellation) and was a must. The trip to the mainland was a whirlwind of go, go, go non-stop activity. I took the first ferry over, made a quick stop at Dressew on the way over to St. Paul's Hospital. I spent the entire morning and pretty much half the afternoon waiting...all that time for not even 20 minutes of a Doctor's time. But hey, I did make some progress on a knitting project! After my appointment I had to haul ass and make the choice between getting something to eat or go to a yarn store before heading back to the ferry terminal.
I chose yarn store.
Yay for being smart and packing a lot of snacks, a huge canister of water, a thermos, and several packets of VIA. The above photo of the yarn barf is the result of 20 minutes total of shopping time. I think I have a problem...
you certainly do! but I have the same problem, so it's okay ;)
ReplyDeleteoh well...i think if you are going to have a problem a yarn addiction is a pretty good problem to have. Think of all the fo's you will have soon.
ReplyDeleteThats nothing. Back in early January when Dressew got that huge shipment of yarn I had no clue and went over. I walked out with enough yarn to crochet one of the sweaters I have been dying to make and some odd balls. Went back the next day after finding the second Sweater pattern and did the same again. And Im a student... So it wasn't the wisest budget choice. But for $2 a ball/skein you can't afford to not. Plus I made 2 sweaters for about $60 out of great yarn that at regular price I would have never dreamed of being able to afford.
ReplyDeleteAfter hearing your story at knit night last week, I agree, we have the same problem! But then again, what knitter doesn't have this problem??
I'm going to have to agree with you! I could have a much worse addiction than a yarn and fabric one! I just wish I could knit faster than I consume yarn!
Of all places, who knew Dressew would all of a sudden have a good selection of yarn?? The last time I was there, all they had was yucky acrylic novelty yarn that I don't know if anyone actually uses. So I was definitely surprised when I saw that they were carrying some pretty good brands and yarn! Dressew is going to become a double threat to me now!