Amidst the chaos I managed to bake some more banana bread using the recipe I mentioned from this post. I was going to make banana chocolate chip muffins using Wendy's modifications, but realized that I didn't have any chocolate chips on hand - which was extremely weird cause I always have chocolate chips on hand (I used to bake Brett chocolate chip cookies on a weekly basis...but then again, that was in the pre-Munchkin days). Then I was going to make mini muffins as suggested by Stephanie, but then realized that it would take a little longer to scoop out 30+ spoonfuls of batter to fill up a mini cupcake tray (note to self: must purchase a small ice cream scoop for such occasions!). I didn't have that time. So mini banana loaves it was going to be.
Let's just hope that these loaves last longer than the last one...
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