The beauty of making this particular soup was the fact that the chopping part didn't have to be precise which was perfect as the Munchkin was vying for my attention and was determined to stop me from doing any sort of food prep. Even with the wee one tugging at my pant legs and trying to squeeze between me and the counter every chance he got, the prep work for the soup took 10 minutes max. After a while the Munchkin got tired of trying to divert my attention and I managed to get the rest of the soup cooking done. Unfortunately when the blender came out, his interest was piqued yet again and the onslaught of tugging harassment commenced. During this time we both discovered that the wee one does not like the sound of the blender and much consoling ensued once the entire batch of soup was pureed. The soup turned out delicious and even the Munchkin was willing to down a cupful! The best part though, it cost less than $5 to make!
After a lot of piggyback rides (my back will never be the same!), spins on the computer chair, and crawling up stairs, my sweet Munchkin was back to normal and was able to play on his own for a bit, allowing me to sneak back into the kitchen and get ingredients ready for some cookie baking. This time around I thought a nice batch of ginger molasses cookies courtesy of Martha Stewart would be lovely to have in the house. Yes, a nice thought that was. While measuring out the dry ingredients my phone rang, the TV suddenly went crazy loud static-y, the postman was ringing the doorbell, and the Munchkin dropped his container of Goldfish crackers all over the floor. As a result of the mini chaos I had measured out the wrong amount of both brown and white sugars, and over poured the molasses by a tablespoon. No biggy, right? While the dough was doing its thing in the freezer, I made an attempt to clean up the mess, figure out the TV situation, changed a diaper, pulled out sock lint from the little one's mouth (don't ask!), and poured myself a cup of much needed tea. Now onwards to the actual baking of the cookies. Well...that alone was quite the task. Let's just say, the first batch burned due to my timer's battery dying, the second batch was yummy, the third batch fell on the floor and was accidentally stepped on, and the fourth batch is still in the freezer.
I don't plan on baking cookies again anytime soon.
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