When I got home I looked up on my Ravelry account and discovered that I have 9 unfinished knitting and crochet projects!! In my defense though, 4 of those projects have gone missing since my move. So do those really count? I even frogged a few projects. I don't know why I didn't finish them, but they were suppose to be items for when the wee one was fresh out of the hospital. Like a cute little toque, but is now way too small for his huge head. Hence why it needed to be frogged. I had also started the Seija Set from one of the Stitch 'n Bitch books, but it'll be useless now cause by the time I'd finish it the munchkin would have no use for it. So that had to be frogged too. I had to double check the unfinished pile to make sure there were no more projects that were somewhat time sensitive. Ugh, I really should finish those uncompleted projects before I move onto something new...at least the current knitting project that I had started is actually getting done. The above photo is a peek...I don't want to say what it is in case it doesn't turn out the way I want it to. I'm hoping to be able to finish it within the next day or so.
I kinda have a reason for why I have yet to finish my zig zag quilt for my son...and that's from lack of sewing time. Actually, all of my unfinished sewing projects are due to the fact that I just haven't been able to get any sewing done in quite a few weeks. Hmm...I must speak to Brett about this and see how we can remedy this problem. I'm not sure how this will fare with the little one, since lately he's been overly attached to me and has been getting quite overly fussing when left with his Daddy for even an hour. I wonder if I can bargain with Brett...time at the driving range for him = sewing time for me?
Ok...I have a new mission now. All unfinished projects must be completed by the time summer is over. And in order for me to start a new project, an old one must be finished first. Is that a deal, self?
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