With that said, I think I'll be spending the next week detoxing...right after Brett's birthday celebrations, that is. I guess for now my fresh batch of granola will have to tide me over as the one healthy food choice on hand. Just glad that I got around to making some more.

Brett has decided to dub this weekend as "Brett Fest", as it's his 30th birthday. Unlike him, I won't be drinking up a storm, but I will be highly indulging in mandatory birthday cake and treats. All of which I should be baking and making right about now, before his buds get here from out of town. I just hope that I'll be able to have a peaceful moment at some point this weekend!
With that said, I'm going to quickly enjoy a cup of java and some granola while the little one is going at it in the Jumperoo and I have a few minutes before the bake-a-thon begins!
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