Yes, after living in Victoria for a little over a year now, I've finally took the initiative to go out and join something in an attempt to make some friends. Is it just me, or is it really hard to make friends? When I had first moved to Vancouver I had school and work to help me out in the friends department. When I moved here I thought maybe work would pave the way to some friendships, but then I found out that all the people I worked with were fresh out of high school and I felt way too old and couldn't relate to any of my co-workers. So I still remain friendless. Hmm..maybe if I wasn't so socially awkward, making friends might be easier.
Anyways, back to the knit nights. I've only gone to a few of the Friday night meet ups, as Brett's schedule is never stable enough for me to go every single week. Although, with spring and summer around the corner, his students will be out of school and his schedule will change and I'll be able to make it every week. Yay!
Here's what their website says:
"Twice a week we invade the serenity of Khona Cafe and wreak havoc and knitting mayhem upon its staff and customers. We love knitting almost as much as we love being obnoxious! Come sit, stitch, socialize and swap stories and ideas with us. It’s as simple as that, nothing pretentious at all. We are a boisterous and passionate group of knitters, and despite the name, we’re really nice :-P –Women and men, beginners and experts, bohemians and professionals, young and old, knitters, crocheters and other textile crafters – all are welcome!
Don’t know how to knit or crochet? Just bring needles and yarn with you and one of us will be happy to help you get started. The only cost involved is the food or drink you order. We recommend a one beverage minimum. (They are running a business after all!) So if you’re interested in meeting up for a fun night of knitting, drop by! We love meeting new people :-)
When? Where? Khona Cafe/Coffee Bar (corner of Fort & Cook)
Victoria BC Canada
Tuesday and Friday Evenings
6pm to 8pm"
I had fun when I went and the ladies are uber nice and lovely. And the best part? I'm without the baby for a few hours and can enjoy a cup of coffee without it getting cold cause I'm too busy changing nappies, burping, or entertaining the little one! I can't wait for next week's meet up!
Hi Melissa,
ReplyDeleteI live in Victoria too and would like to invite you to my mom and baby meetup group. www.meetup.com/vicbaby is our website. We meet up around town with our babies and do stuff together! It's a great group...
PS Love your pink boots! I've been wanting burberry ones for a while now. :-)
Hi Beth!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the invite! I'll definitely check out your website! I'm always looking for ways to get out more and to meet new people...and to find baby-friendly environments where I don't feel guilty for taking up so much room with my stroller! :)