Kona Cotton Update
I'm still on the look-out on sourcing some Kona Cotton locally. I tried to email my favorite fabric store on the lower mainland, Fabricana about getting shipped some, but haven't heard back from them yet. Boo erns. I did get a tip about a new quilting store in the downtown area here, so I'm thinking I must check that out. Maybe tomorrow, if Kole will let me. I also heard that it was quite a pricey store, so I guess I'll have to see for myself if it's worth it or not. I was told that my highly sought after Kona Cotton was priced close to $15 a meter! At Fabricana that stuff is $8 a meter! Eep! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this person got their information wrong.This is why I'm looking for and need Kona Cotton:
This is the Zig Zag quilt that I saw on the The Purl Bee blog. Ever since I saw this, I knew I wanted to make it for Kole. I've been wanting to make Kole a quilt since the day he was born, but even more so now that I found out that we're not allowed to paint our place! Yes, our place is a rental, but a no painting rule?? Supposedly my building's management company has had way too many ex-tenants paint their place crazy colors and then move out months later, leaving the company the pains of trying to paint over blood red or something like that. So now I have to find new ways of decorating Kole's bedroom without the use of paint. Even though he can't use the quilt now, I figured I could use it as a room accessory and drape it over the rocking chair or have it folded on the rocking ottoman - both of which I need to make cushion covers for...in the color theme I've picked out, of course. I would love to make this quilt in the colors used by the creator too, as it doesn't scream baby or anything like that. Kole will be able to use the quilt when he's older, and who knows, may even have it when he's an adult and can pass it down to his own child. If I can't find adequate orange fabric, my fall back color is brown. I think blue and brown is a new favorite pairing for me. Actually, anything with brown has become a new favorite. Which is weird, as I'm definitely not a brown person.I would also LOVE to make this quilt too:
This is also from The Purl Bee blog. It's called A Wedding Quilt, as the creator had made it for a friend as a wedding gift. I just love the colors and the way it looks just so cozy. Perfect for a lazy Sunday when you just don't want to get out of bed and all you want to do is watch movies and snuggle. Not that I will ever get to have lazy Sundays any more...at least not until Kole is much older. Here's a close up of the quilt's design:
Pink is my favorite color, and is what caught my attention when I saw this quilt. Yet further inspection of the pictures shows that there really isn't that much pink in there. It's more yellow than pink. Which makes me think that the possibility of Brett letting me put this on the bed will be quite high.And last, my most favorite of them all, the Color-Wheel quilt:
I also saw this on the aforementioned blog. They didn't include this as a pattern or a tutorial, but as an excerpt from the owner of the stores Purl Soho, and Purl Patchwork's book, Last-Minute Patchwork & Quilted Gifts. I also saw this quilt on a few other blogs that I happened to come across while Googling this quilt. I got some useful tips and pointers on how to make this quilt, and most importantly the size the quilt is suppose to end up. From what I gather, the finished size barely covers a queen sized bed and is almost a useless size. One blogger (sorry, I forget who) had to add some extra fabric around the edges to make it fit her bed. I noticed that several other bloggers had to do the same. I guess I'll be doing it too since I own a king size bed and want to be able to use this quilt. Here's a the quilt finished by a blogger (again, I didn't note who) and the way they added the extra fabric:
I'm so in love with this quilt that I decided to just bite the bullet and buy the book. And so I was on Amazon pronto and my book came in the mail a few days ago! Aside from the Color-Wheel quilt, I have to say that all the projects in the book are photographed quite beautifully. It makes me want to make all the projects in the book. But first things first, the Color-Wheel quilt must be made before I even consider another project from the book. I plan on working on the quilt as an on-going project in between other projects and when I need a break from whatever I'm working on. The hardest part will be finding all the beautiful colors in high quality cotton fabric. I'm going to have to find 52 different color printed cottons. I might have to cheat and maybe use a few solids. Purlsoho.com used to sell bundles of all the colors you need to make the quilt, but no longer offer them. Here's a peek of all the fabric I need:
Crazy, I know. I guess it's fair to say that my new hobby is quilting. Well, will be, since I have yet to quilt anything!I'm determined to have a closet full of blankets, whether they be quilts, crocheted afghans, or knitted throws. I just want a closet full of cozy blankets. I'm always so cold, and now that we have to pay for our own heating bill, we've only been putting the heat on in the living room, since that's where most of the living is done in our place. I guess we'll see if my vision of coziness will come true.
Have you tried the Creation Station in California? They ship everywhere, and their prices are great.
Wow! Those quilts are so pretty- I especially love the 'wedding quilt'. just make sure he doesn't puke on it. babies seem to like to puke a lot from what i hear. what colour are the walls in kole's room? wall vinyl/ wall stickers might be cute.
ReplyDeleteCherri - Thanks for the tip! I took a peek at their website and wow! The prices are great!
ReplyDeleteSteph - yes, babies puke a lot! I can no longer wear nice clothes cause Kole always manages to miss the burp cloth/blanket and get his puke all over my arm/legs. If he doesn't get my clothes, then it's on my neck or the side of my face!
All the walls to our place is a generic beige color. I was thinking of some wall vinyls for the kitchen and possibly the living room. I was planning on using some that I saw on etsy for Kole's room, but then decided to try out the embroidery hoop idea, using the color scheme I had in mind.
I'm determined to make the wedding quilt!! I'll let you know how that goes!