Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bib and burp cloth overload!

I think I went a little crazy with bibs and burp cloths. The past few weeks have been all about cutting out as many as I could with the amount of cute baby related print fabric and terry cloth that I had. Who knew a few meters of fabric would give me over 30 bibs and over 15 burp cloths??? Not that I'm complaining really, since I will most definitely be needing as many bibs as possible considering that you feed a baby so many times in a day. And the idea of getting barf and spit up all over my clothes isn't really appealing, hence the need for so many burp cloths.

I accidentally commented on my FaceBook status that I went overboard in making so many, and within minutes my inbox was bombarded with messages from friends who have kids that there's no such thing as too many and that I'll be needing all these bibs, if not more. What I had meant to say was that I went overboard in the sense that I had dedicated weeks in making nothing but bibs and burp cloths. Sweatshopping myself in making the same thing over and over, mass producing such an easy can really get tedious and oh so boring after a while!

The volume production class that I had to take in school really did come in handy. I had separated all the bibs and cloths into piles of what thread color they needed to be sewn in, sewed them all up before I would allow myself to settle in front of the TV to spend the time to turn them all right side out, and then planted myself in front of the ironing board to press them all. Still in their piles according to thread color, I went back to the sewing machine to topstitch everything. I'm still in the process of applying snaps, since I had run out of the easy peasy pearly set-in pronged version and don't really feel like sewing old school snaps onto the rest.

I've decided to take a mini break from these though...until I can get some more set-in snaps. Even though I'm so close to finishing the project, I'm getting bored and losing interest fast! So I've made the decision to sew some other things and let my mind revive and get some excitement happening in my brain for a bit. I promised myself that I would get all the bibs done by the end of the month. If not, I'll regret it when the baby is spewing vomit all over my shoulders. Ew.

Here is my absolute favorite print of them all:
I just wish I had bought more. I think the color scheme and the style of the owls look very 60's. I wish it was in a straight up cotton, rather than flannelette. Oh well!

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