Anyways, I've been wanting to make a tissue holder since the start of my pregnancy. I've never had allergies before I got knocked up, and then I had that nasty cold, and now my eyes won't stop watering up. So I am constantly carrying around packs of tissue in my handbag. After a while the plastic cover gets completely wrecked and my tissue gets all gross and mangled up before I even get the chance to use it. So I just had to make a re-usable holder for them. This is my first time making one and really didn't want to use my nice fabric, in case I screwed up somehow (I don't know how, but still...). So I decided to use muslin. But then I thought, what if it comes out looking fabulous? So I just had to jazz it up a little. I could've used some ribbons or buttons, but I thought how simple it would be to embroider something. Yeah...too much work to embroider something than it was worth. Oh well, the end product came out great!

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