Excitedly I started my cable clutch, as well as some other projects:
I've also started these headbands that are kinda useless now that the weather is warming up. I had wanted to make these when I had first moved to Victoria and my ears were falling off from the cold. I'm not a hat person, mainly cause I think I look funny in hats and really, my head is gigantic! I seriously look like a basketball with hair. So I found a solution for those that still want to stay warm but don't want to wear a hat. It's also a great solution for keeping warm and not ruining an up 'do!

I've also decided to teach myself how to crochet. I've been wanting to learn how to crochet for quite some time now, but just never got around to actually doing so. That, and again I've always felt a bit intimidated. I remember when I was much younger, my friend Melanie and her grandmother tried to teach me how to crochet. I learned how to do the basic chain and how to make a basic scarf, but never ventured into anything more. I definitely didn't know how to read a pattern or do any fancy stitches. I finally dusted off the Stitch 'N Bitch book, The Happy Hooker, which I've had since it first came out (and never used) and made one giant sample of all the stitches they show you how to do in the book. I felt confident enough to try out my first crochet project. From the book I made the Fit to be Tied clutch...well...it's almost finished. I still have to sew it together, put in the lining, and thread in the ribbon.
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