Well, that was easier said than done. Again, several failed attempts later I was so disgruntled and had flung the yarn with the crochet hook across the room. Yet I was so determined to make this stuffed bunny!! So I Googled around and came across a fellow beginner hooker who had trouble with the pattern as well, but had help from a friend who sent her precise instructions on how to get started. An email later, and I got those instructions sent to my inbox! Thanks Jenny! I was finally on my way to creating my very own bedfellow! Once I got the stitch down, and had started a few limbs, the project worked up quite fast. And voila! Done!

Now I'm onto my next crochet project, the Seija Set, which is also from The Happy Hooker. It's a car seat/stroller blanket with a matching hat with ear flaps. This time I'm making it in grey, light purple, and dark purple. I thought those were very unisex colors, but according to Brett they're quite girly. I think it doesn't matter cause the baby will be a baby! They don't care what color they wear! Well, I hope not!
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