Yarn Crawl!
I'm so excited, this year I'll be able to participate in the Fibre Fest yarn crawl!! Last year I missed out on all the festivities due to not having a sitter for the little one, but this year I got Brett to take the day off work so that I can go. My original plan leading up to Fibre Fest was to go on a yarn diet, but obviously that didn't happen as I'm weak in the face of yarn! But I have been very good these past few weeks and have resisted purchasing fibre of any kind (I even avoided the Sunshine Yarns shop update on Tuesday!) so that I could have the funds to go nuts this weekend. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the Saxe Point Market on Sunday, as Brett is being forced to work. Le sigh. Maybe I'll be able to go next year.
Anyhoo, along with the rest of the Bitchy Bees, we'll be hitting up Button & Needlework Boutique, Beehive Wool Shop, and Knotty By Nature before having a beer knit lunch at a pub in Oak Bay. Apparently Boutique De Laine is NOT participating in the crawl this year (why, I have no idea!) and so I'm not sure if we'll be stopping by there anyways for the hell of it. Someone mentioned that maybe they opted out of the crawl cause the shop is really small and can't handle a large number of knitters at a time in the shop. Who knows?
Either way I'll be spending the majority of the day among fellow Bees, surrounded by yarn, knitting up a storm, and enjoying a beer or two. Sounds like a recipe for fun!
Glad you were able to make it out today!!!!!!!! See you soon!