Saturday, June 12, 2010


Today is World Wide Knit In Public Day!! Well, technically it's from June 12 -20th (whichever day works for your knitting community, that is), but today is the day that Victoria knitters will be celebrating as a way to kick off Victoria Fibre Fest!

So if you're in the area you can come join in on the fun. Knitters will be gathering at "Mile 0" Park (Douglas Street @ Dallas Road) from 1pm to 4pm. Bring your knitting, something to sit on, and enjoy some knitterly time while staring out at the ocean! And since it's Fleet Week as well here in Victoria, you might be lucky enough to see some of the various Navy fleets from around the world.

I'm hoping to get the Munchkin running around for a few hours before we leave, in hopes that by the time we get to the park he'll be so wiped out that he'll fall asleep in his stroller. If not, I'll at least be strolling by to say hi.

See you there!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi - just wanted to let you know that I tagged you for a little 7 question meme thing. Check out my blog for the details. I can't wait to see your answers! Kat xo



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