My posts have been lacking this week. I've been feeling a little under the weather, overly exhausted from having a teething baby, and I've been working on the pirate sweater like no tomorrow and have taken a few breaks by knitting a row or two here and there on the Tilted Duster, but don't worry - I've got a ton of project ideas floating around in this noggin of mine. So I've been going through my fabric stash to see what I have, and in turn have been evaluating all of my fabric.
I've always been a hoarder of fabric and can never turn down a good fabric sale or the purchase of a print that I absolutely love. I have never really given much thought about the quality of my "crafting fabric", until I moved to Victoria, where my fabric store options are very limited. When I was living in Vancouver, I had frequented and favored stores that carried nothing but high quality cotton and quilting fabrics, and so I never had to think about what I was buying and whether it would hold up to the test of time. But since moving to the island, I've had to resort to buying fabric either online, waiting for a trip to the mainland for a big shop, making small purchases at the (only) pricey quilting shop, or (gulp) making a trip to the one and only "big box" fabric store here. It's the latter that has been making me think a lot about my fabric purchases and uses.

Anyways, thanks for letting me rant. I can go on and on and on...well, you get the picture. But does anyone else feel this way too? Or am I the only nutter in the room? I think I'm just being a sore loser and am mad at myself for making excuses as to why I shop at that stupid big box fabric store. Those of you who live in Victoria probably know what store I'm talking about too. I'm making a vow with myself to minimize my spending at that crap store, even more so since the last visit there, when I discovered that they were selling some knock off Amy Butler-esque fabric made at their own mills and "made exclusively" for them - but the quality definitely did not compare to the real deal. Ugh, I left the store feeling dirty and like I had bought a knock-off Louis Vuitton handbag from the trunk of a rundown Cadillac in the middle of the ghetto...or east Van. I hope many of you steer clear from shoddy quality fabric. Even if it is on the cheap.
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