Here's the dilly:
A few weeks ago I was using the time that I should have spent knitting...or cutting out fabric...surfing etsy, when I found these lovely gocco prints on linen:

Jodie's blog, Ric Rac, is a beautiful blog full of fabulous stuffies that she designs and makes. And each stuffie has a sweet story to go with it. The day that I stumbled on her blog she commented that she was notified that she was being featured in a magazine that was not available in her homeland of Australia, and was asking if someone in the US would be so kind to mail her a copy. Which is funny, cause the magazine she was inquiring about, I had actually spotted and leafed through earlier that day (we get pretty much every single American magazine here in Canada)! No one had left a comment yet, and since I had that very issue/magazine in my hands a few hours before reading that post, I thought I would offer my services. I really didn't think much of it, as it was not out of my way, and I completely and totally understand wanting to have a copy of a newspaper/magazine/some form of media that is showcasing your work to add to your portfolio (when I was in Nylon magazine, I bought 3 copies and begged a friend who conveniently worked in the magazine section of Chapters to save me any left overs when they had to take it off the shelves...they throw them out anyways!).
Anyhoo, long story short (or longer, depending on how you look at it), I sent Jodie a copy of the magazine, happy to be able to help out a fellow blogger/crafter/entrepreneur, without expecting anything other than an email to say she got it safe and sound. I had completely forgotten about all this...until yesterday. When I discovered a package in my mailbox. It was from Jodie! I couldn't open it then and there, as I had to get to the bank before they closed and so I stuffed the package into my tote bag and off I went. The wee one has been going through a majorly fussy stage (ok, he has developed quite the temper and has learned about the art of temper tantrums), so I forgot about the package (due to "Mommy brain") 'til much later when the little terror took a very late nap and I was searching for my pink Sharpie. I was completely astonished as to what that package held for me!

I can't wait to make all these, and am already planning on making a hot pink and black tea set to use as decoration in my sewing closet. I have a few friends that have little girls and think that in a year or so I'll be able to make them their very own fabric tea sets!

Anyways, I'm going to go ooh and ahh over my new goodies again. I just wanted to share the absolute niceness of a complete stranger, and the wonderful surprise I received for doing a good deed. I guess it really does pay to be nice and help out others, cause one day something wonderful and completely unexpected will happen in return!
What a lovely way to say thank you! Now you have a lot of new projects to make. I read Ric-Rac and she always has the cutest stuffies. She is a very talented lady.
ReplyDeleteI agree, she's a very talented lady...and obviously very kind! I can't wait to make some of these new projects, but when I'll be able to get to them...well...my project list is miles long!
ReplyDeleteHey Melissa, I am so glad it reached you safely.
ReplyDeleteYou did a wonderful thing for me, a complete stranger and you deserve loads and loads of good karma.
The little trim is from Aunty Cookie (another blogger and etsy seller - she has great stuff ).