With that said, yesterday I acquired my newest "toy" to add to my collection of supplies that could rival any office supply store. If you looked at the above photo you'd know that I got myself a staple free stapler! Ever since I discovered that such a thing existed I've been on the lookout for one. During a walk with the wee one I discovered a cute little store called The Papery that reminds me of Paper-ya on Granville Island in Vancouver.
So how does a staple free stapler work? Well, "it cuts out a tiny strip of paper and uses it to stitch up to 4 pages together. It needs no metal staples and creates no paper waste". See:

Like the geek I am, I spent a lot of time yesterday stapling everything I could get my hands on. I was actually quite surprised at the amount of loose paper that I had all over the desk! A lot of photocopied knitting patterns and recipes. So good thing I had my trusty new stapler!
Ok, I'm off...must staple more things...
So cool!