Summer is almost here and the weather is warming up even more. It's been super sunny and über gorgeous out. I'm so happy that I can finally wear flip flops on a daily basis again! I absolutely hate wearing socks and shoes, which is kinda twisted as I have quite the extensive shoe collection (but sadly, cannot wear any of it as pregnancy caused my feet to grow a size!). Brett always laughs at me cause I take off my socks (when I happen to be wearing them) the second I walk through the door, and he laughs even harder when I try to convince myself that I can still wear flip flops even though it's pouring out. I'm not going to lie, I do try to prolong wearing them for as long as I can. Sometimes my toes have to fall off from the cold or there has to be snow on the ground for me to (unwillingly) switch to normal shoes. And as soon as the weather permits it, I'll start wearing flip flops again as early as late January. Not even special occasions can thwart my love of wearing them. Last summer when I was the best man at my friend Ken's wedding, I was able to wear fancy flip flops (and yes, I was given a thumbs up to do this by the bride...I was 7 months pregnant, after all).
But I don't wear just any flip flop! Oh no, no, no! Only Havaianas are allowed to touch my tootsies! Why? Simply because they are beyond comfortable and they don't cause any blistering, pain, weird rubbing between the toes when you wear them. I've tried other flip flops, from no name brands to high end, and they all make that area between the big and second toes sore. Havaianas are so comfy, I even managed to backpack around Europe in them without any problems! It is because of this that I went on a search to find every color possible in my size (I have really small feet, so it's not an easy task). Present day, I have over 20 pairs of Havaianas! I know, why do I need so many?? Brett came home the night I fished for every single pair I had (to evaluate what colors I "needed") and saw my pile of flip flops by the door and laughed. He stated that I'm no longer allowed to purchase any more...not until the ones that still have tags on them have been worn. I had bought a ton of them on eBay years ago, from a seller that had priced them at $2 a pop! But now that they are so popular world wide the prices have gone up too and aren't worth buying on eBay anymore, especially when shipping charges costs just as much as the flip flop!

The sad part is, the few times that I have gone out shopping I couldn't find anything that I liked. Actually, there's nothing in the stores that appeal to me at all. The odd garment that I do like I've had to turn down because it was either not breastfeeding-friendly, or I knew it would get ruined after a few wears from the little one spitting up or tugging endlessly on it. And truthfully, I think I need to "re-find my style". My look pre-pregnancy no longer feels like me. Does that make sense to anyone? Now I feel like I'm having style identity problems. Has anyone gone or is going through this stage?
Hmm...some fashion soul searching must be done...and soon!
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