Alas, no. I just haven't had time to sit down and try to text it all out! The wee one and I have been so busy, it's just been go, go, go since we left home. By the time I put the little one down for the night, I'm too exhausted myself to do anything.
So now I'm on the ferry back to the island, the munchkin is sitting peacefully (for once!!), eating a Mum Mum cracker. Who knew that my text-a-thon competitions with my friend Caroline back in the day would be a valuable skill now? I'm currently able to fire off this post in a matter of a minute!
The above, or below, not sure how email blog posting edits this, but wherever it lands, the photo was taken during a walk to the Dairy Queen in Nelson. My aunt, my cousin and her little baby, and I decided it was waaayyy too hot and too nice out to sit around and waste it. So a trip to the DQ was in order. Too bad I didn't get a photo of our visit, I think our tasty treats took over our brains. I used to play league soccer at the field where this photo was taken, the view of the bridge never came across as anything back then. Now, I can't believe how artsy fartsy and scenic it really is. Sorry for the crappy photo, it was taken with my mobile!
Anyhoo, I'm almost home, which means more regular blog posts!
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