I personally think the real reason why this was all made possible is the fact that we have the room to put everything. I just have to keep in mind that just because we have all this space that I don't need to go out and get more crap just so that I can fill it.
The one area that needs to be unpacked is my sewing closet. When that gets sorted I'll take pictures. 'Til then, here's the view of the Parliament building from Kole's bedroom balcony!

Whoops- I'm confused! I thought you moved back to Van! My mistake. So what's your new address little lady? I have a package waiting for you! Email me or send me a message on facebook.
ReplyDeleteI wish! But I've given up trying to convince Brett that the 3 of us should move to Van. He's so stubborn! Anyways, I emailed you the new address!